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Авторкие отзывы

  1. “Isabelle Stengers, L'Effet Whitehead [Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, Annales de l'Institut de Philosophie de l'Universit de Bruxelles, 1994]. Critical Review,” Process Studies, 23/4, 1994, pp. 282–284.
  2. “Alfred North Whitehead, Procs et ralit. Essai de cosmologie. Traduit de l'anglais par Daniel Charles, Maurice Elie, Michel Fuchs, Jean-Luc Gautero, Dominique Janicaud, Robert Sasso and Arnaud Villani [Paris, NRF ditions Gallimard, Bibliothque de philosophie, 1995]. Critical Review,” Process Studies, 27/1-2, 1998, pp. 149–151.
  3. “Recent publications in French” & “Recent publications in English,” in James A. Bradley, Andr Cloots, Helmut Maaen and Michel Weber (eds.), European Studies in Process Thought, Vol. I. In Memoriam Dorothy Emmet, Leuven, European Society for Process Thought, 2003, pp. 53–57.
  4. “Luca Gaeta, Segni del cosmo. Logica e geometria in Whitehead, Milano, Edizioni Universitare di Lettere Economica Diritto, Il Filarete CCX, 2002,” Zentralblatt MATH, European Mathematical Society, Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag, 1024.01009.
  5. “Ivor Grattan-Guinness, “Algebras, Projective Geometry, Mathematical Logic, and Constructing the World. Intersections in the Philosophy of Mathematics of A.N. Whitehead”, Historia Mathematica 29, N° 4, 2002, pp. 427–462,” Zentralblatt MATH, European Mathematical Society, Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag, 01891821.
  6. “Jean Wahl, Vers le concret. tudes d’histoire de la philosophie contemporaine. William James, Whitehead, Gabriel Marcel. Avant-propos de Mathias Girel. Deuxime dition augmente [Vrin, 1932], Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2004. Critical Review,” Process Studies, 34/1, 2005, pp. 155–156.
  7. “Hans W. Cohn, Heidegger and the Roots of Existential Therapy, London, Continuum, 2002, SPC Series. Critical Review,” The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, volume 36/3, October 2005, pp. 336–337.
  8. “Roger Frie (ed.), Understanding Experience. Psychotherapy and Postmodernism, London, Routledge, 2003. Critical Review,” The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Volume 37/1, January 2006, pp. 109–111.
  9. “Jean Wahl, Vers le concret. tudes d’histoire de la philosophie contemporaine. William James, Whitehead, Gabriel Marcel. Avant-propos de Mathias Girel. Deuxime dition augmente [Vrin, 1932], Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2004. Compte rendu critique,” Revue internationale de Philosophie, vol. 61 n° 236, Juin 2006, pp. 246–248.
  10. “Discussion: The Genocidal Logic of Neoliberalism [ propos de Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, New York, ICM Books, 2007],” in Michel Weber and Pierfrancesco Basile (under the direction of), Chromatikon IV. Annuaire de la philosophie en procs — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2008, pp. 199–207.
  11. “Nicholas Rescher, Autobiography, Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, Nicholas Rescher Collected Papers. Supplementary Volume, 2007. Critical Review,” Process Studies 37.2, 2008, pp. 211–213.

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